Tuesday, February 21, 2012


It is defined as: The absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
Currently, this defines me. I just don't care and it's depressing. Ordinarily, I care too much and will rant and rave and prove my point to no one in particular. However, I think I have exhausted myself to a point of apathy. It was even hard for me to get worked up at seminary which is very unusual. When it comes to talking about the gospel I would define my style as a stump speaker. I get very animated and emotional. Now, I just want to sleep. School, I never care about school and I consistently get bad grades because I just don't care. Work, I don't care what the kids do, and ordinarily I work hard to play with them and do things with them outside so they can work off the eight hours of sitting. I dislike public schools, seriously I'm getting to a point where public school will not ever be an option. Really, I think I am just tired, and that is why I don't care. I'd rather sleep than do anything else and yet my procrastination leads to a severe lack of sleep. Well, perhaps I should attempt to do something useful and sign off...


  1. LAMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well...it worked last time at least.

    Chan Chan, you rock! Did you ever read my blog post about how I stopped going to class and then I started getting better grades? Sometimes apathy helps you succeed :D. But maybe not in online classes :(.

    Seriously, though, you should probably repent or something.

  2. Well, that would explain my extreme desire to talk to you, I need to give you back some of the joy you gave me! Truely though, apathy can be a good thing, but from what I'm understanding this is just Satan beating you down and getting you depressed.

    Talk to me Chandler, talk to anyone, helping people and feeling the love from people who care about you is one of, if not the, best way to get over apathy. I have you to thank for helping me through my last one :)

  3. We'll work on that when you come visit. Seriously, I have been giddy over that! The two-week countdown is killing me!!!! EEEK! :)

  4. Ummm... you have a blog? and I wasn't invited to it?

  5. Mary: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am being such a Laman! Oh how I love you! I think I will repent the or something is not working out so well for me. :P
    Caroline: My visiting you helped sooo much! Seriously, I NEED to visit you again!
    Curt: Ya, I have a blog. I'm in the learning stages and you weren't invited because quite honestly I don't know how to invite people. In fact I don't really know how to work this blog very well at all. Which explains the off center view and set up of this blog. GRRRR! At least you found my blog! Hee hee hee!
